9 Expert Tips for Recovering From a Hangover

Jamie Bacharach, a licensed medical acupuncturist and herbalist who has extensive experience helping patients fight the effects of hangovers and reset their systems following a hangover. Coffee or tea can also help you feel better, especially if your hangover has you feeling fatigue and head pain. With many of us enjoying a glass or two, here are our top 10 tips to prevent or, if all else fails, ease that hungover feeling.

Drinking water, juice, broth and other non-alcohol beverages to reduce dehydration. Toast or a bagel also can pump up blood sugar levels while being gentle on the stomach. Dehydration is at the core of hangover hurt, so focus on replenishing those lost fluids, advises Dr. Waters.

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However, doing this could lead to big problems, such as alcohol dependence. Drinking more alcohol when you’re hungover can also cause your body to become more dehydrated. Like Gatorade, Advil is a pretty common move while hungover, but it cannot do the job on its own sugar-coated volition. It will help quell that whole “did I happen to get hit by an Amtrak train last night, by any chance? And you don’t have to down a beverage engineered for children to get re-hydrated. From water to coffee to an IV drip, we tested out the best ways to feel human again. True to conventional wisdom, caffeine can help you burst through the fog and grogginess that come with a hangover, Ms. Supan said.

how long does a hangover last drinks also can help you hydrate quickly while simultaneously restoring nutrients and electrolytes. One study found that supplementing with eleuthero extract — also known as Siberian ginseng — alleviated several hangover symptoms and decreased the overall severity . While a lack of sleep doesn’t cause a hangover, it can make one worse. Symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, and irritability can become worse as a result of a lack of sleep . Stay hydrated throughout the following day by drinking water whenever you feel thirsty. If you’re a coffee drinker, you probably already believe in the power of your morning cup.

Does acetaminophen help?

Food with high levels of antioxidants effectively reduces oxidative stress. It includes fruits , vegetables , dark chocolate, nuts, and seeds. This type of stress, usually after drinking alcohol, can lead to health issues such as cancers and heart disease. Consume food with antioxidants to provide nutrition for your body and recover from a hangover.

  • Alcohol can interfere with your blood sugar levels, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, which may contribute to the fatigue, irritability, and weakness that are often consequences of intoxication.
  • “Ginger can aid digestion and in this way can ease stomach upset,” says Kennedy, who credits alcohol irritating the lining of the stomach as one of the reasons for hangover-related nausea.
  • Symptoms of a hangover can last 24 hours or longer.
  • But the problem here is that Alka-Seltzer only neutralizes one aspect of your hangover.
  • These over-the-counter hangover pills, powders and patches are often met with speculation and distrust, with a lean towards pseudoscience at best and drugstore chicanery at worst.
  • What you eat after drinking doesn’t matter—it’s what you eat before all those Jagerbombs that can help lessen the hangover the next day.
  • Hangovers begin after blood alcohol levels start to fall.

A hangover is a set of unpleasant symptoms experienced after drinking too much alcohol. Generally, the more alcohol you drink, the higher your chances are of feeling pretty awful the next day. When we’re relishing a bottle of our favorite red or white wine, we don’t usually think about the wine alcohol content.

Hangover Cure Myth #1: Have a drink the morning after

“Opt for lighter color, highly filtered alcohol,” says Jeffrey Wiese, a professor of medicine at Tulane University. Typically, the more expensive the alcohol, the more filtered it is and the fewer congeners there are to cause a hangover. SKYY Vodka, for instance, makes a point of its “four-column distillation,” “three-step filtration,” and “exceptional purity.” Congeners are the compounds that give liquor its flavor and color. Every type of alcohol contains congeners, but dark alcohols, including red wine and whiskey, generally have more of them than lighter ones.

  • These toxins include acetaldehyde and malondialdehyde.
  • The kind of sleep you get right after drinking may involve less of the REM stage — the part of sleep that actually makes you feel rested.
  • Eggs have plenty of cysteines, an amino acid that produces glutathione, an antioxidant that helps your body disassemble the toxic remnants of alcohol metabolism.
  • Murphy Perng is a Wine Consultant and the Founder and Host of Matter of Wine, a business that produces educational wine events, including team-building experiences and networking events.
  • A hangover is the unpleasant symptoms a person has after drinking too much alcohol.

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