About Us

We help you choose, We help you grow.

The Career Guide is floated by Hemant N. Desai who is a Bachelor of Engineering and Post Graduate Diploma in Management Studies from Mumbai University, Certified Psychometric Test Professional and M.S. ( Psychotherapy and Counseling) . He is having 32 years of experience in Top Management Position in manufacturing industry in SME segment.

We are here to help individuals select the right career which their heart believes and mind can achieve and to help corporate achieve success and create harmonious working environment in their organization by selecting right person for right job. With the right career guidance you can go on to achieve success in the field that you feel passionate about, leading to eternal Happiness and Peace within yourself and your family.

Our trained career counselor will help you select the perfect career suitable to you from more than 80 career clusters and 600 careers. Our tests are scientifically validated and conform to all the international psychometric criteria of the American Psychology Association (APA) and the International Test Commission (ITC)

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Our Vision

Every individual has right to have happy and successful career. Our vision is to provide best possible career guidance to all through psychometric assessment and guiding them to the path of success in a career in which they can succeed to the best of their ability and feel happy and content by getting complete job satisfaction.

To create successful organizations with harmonious working environment by helping them to select the right candidate for the right job.

Our Mission

To become best career counseling service provider using latest and most refined, reliable and valid psychometric assessment tools to guide individual choose their best career path and to help corporate select the right person for the right job to enable them to succeed.

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