Emotional Intelligence Test
The Emotional Intelligence Test assesses the ability to Perceive, understand, and manage one’s own emotions and those of others.
Objective : Recruitment, Evaluation and training of managers, Personal development and coaching
Useful for : All professional levels
Questionnaire : 97 questions
Time : 15 to 20 minutes
- Provides norm-based EQ scores in the same fashion as IQ tests
- Monitors social desirability
- Summary of a candidate’s emotional profile including advice on personal growth
Analysis of four principle dimensions
- Intrapersonal intelligence
- Flexibility
- Self-assertion
- Relationship management
Analysis of 12 Factors of Emotional Intelligence
- Self-knowledge
- Self-control
- Self-motivation
- Adaptability
- Self-esteem
- Optimism
- Resilience
- Self-confidence
- Ease with others
- Assertiveness
- Empathy and lucidity
- Influence
Report Presentation:
- Indicator of the social desirability score
- EQ Score
- Graphs and charts for at-a glance analysis
- Scores for each of the twelve aspects analyzed
- Summary of the candidate’s profile
- Customized comments