Management Style Inventory Test
The Management Style Inventory assesses a candidate’s aptitudes for leadership and identifies their management styles. Based on seven primary management dimensions, the test compares a candidate’s profile with typical management roles.
Objective : Recruitment, Training, Employee evaluations
Useful for : Senior managers, team leaders, middle-management, entrepreneurs
Questionnaire : 49 questions
Time : 8 to 10 minutes
- Highlights candidate’s strengths and areas for improvement
- Reveals a candidate’s management style
- Provides personalized comments
The Management Style Inventory is based on seven management related dimensions
- Global vision vs. Analytical
- Conceptual vs. Operational
- Reflective vs. Spontaneous
- Affiliation vs. Discretion
- Intervention vs. Delegation
- People-oriented vs. Task-oriented
- Innovative vs. Conservative
Report Presentation:
- Graphs and tables for an at a-glance analysis
- Personalized comments
- A detailed table of factors with relative scores
- A match of the candidate’s profile with different management styles